Sampler – Work in Progress

The figure below is a work in progress update of the sample player. The section on the left is the ‘sample storage’ i.e. where all the samples are stored in buffer objects. The ‘notein’ object receives MIDI note messages which trigger a bang message whenever a MIDI note is received. the ‘mtof’ converts MIDI note messages into a sound frequency that is compatible with max, allowing it to work with other objects such as the delay and reverb functions yet to be added. The play~ objects are placeholders for now just to test if the MIDI input is triggering the samples, and will eventually be replaced with objects that will make the player polyphonic. The following is a to-do list for the sample player:

  • Replace the play~ objects with poly objects to enable polyphony
  • find a way to emulate the ‘damping’ technique common in real gamelan (this can be done by quickly decreasing the amplitude of one sample when the next is played)
  • Patch in the reverb and delay effects and find a way to control them in presentation mode
  • create the UI for the sample player. This can be done in Max with presentation mode and interactive object such as the meter or the gain slider, although visual elements and a way to load in new samples could also be potentially useful features.

2018-04-28 (2)

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